Olive Caper Stuffed Beef

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  • Tender beef is perfect for dinner on a warm night with good friends and good wine.

    The ingredient of Olive Caper Stuffed Beef

    • 4 about 200g each beef sirloin steaks excess fat trimmed
    • 100g 1 2 cup green sicilian olives pitted finely chopped
    • 1 tablespoon drained capers rinsed chopped
    • 45g 1 4 cup currants
    • 1 garlic clove crushed
    • 2 teaspoons finely grated lemon rind
    • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
    • 2 teaspoons brown sugar
    • olive oil to brush
    • 16 large fresh basil leaves
    • 4 medium zucchini halved lengthways
    • 8 thin slices prosciutto

    The Instruction of olive caper stuffed beef

    • use a rolling pin or meat mallet to pound the beef between 2 sheets of plastic wrap until half the thickness combine the olive caper currants garlic lemon rind lemon juice and sugar in a bowl season with salt and pepper mix until well combined
    • divide the olive mixture among the beef and spread almost to the edges roll up to enclose filling use unwaxed white kitchen string to tie the beef at 2cm intervals place the beef in an airtight container in the fridge overnight to marinate
    • preheat a barbecue flat plate on medium high brush with oil place 2 basil leaves diagonally across the cut side of each zucchini half wrap a piece of prosciutto around zucchini leaving the ends exposed
    • cook the beef on flat plate turning for 3 minutes or until just browned cook for a further 3 minutes each side or until cooked to your liking transfer to a plate cover with foil set aside for 5 minutes to rest add zucchini to flat plate brush with a little oil cook for 3 4 minutes each side or until tender
    • thickly slice the beef diagonally divide among serving plates and serve with zucchini

    Nutritions of Olive Caper Stuffed Beef

    calories: 495 925 calories
    calories: 22 grams fat
    calories: 7 grams saturated fat
    calories: 12 grams carbohydrates
    calories: 11 grams sugar
    calories: n a
    calories: 60 grams protein
    calories: 140 milligrams cholesterol
    calories: 1602 54 milligrams sodium
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    calories: nutritioninformation
