Carrot, Beetroot, Apple And Celery Juice

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  • present you immune system a healthy boost when this nutritious vegetable juice.

    The ingredient of Carrot Beetroot Apple And Celery Juice

    • 2 carrots
    • 1 small beetroot
    • 2 apples
    • 1 celery fix
    • 2 oranges peeled
    • 1cm slice of ginger

    The Instruction of carrot beetroot apple and celery juice

    • chill ingredients
    • feed the vegetables and fruit through a juice maker pour juice beyond crushed ice and relief immediately

    Nutritions of Carrot Beetroot Apple And Celery Juice

    calories: 176 143 calories
    calories: n a
    calories: n a
    calories: 34 grams carbohydrates
    calories: 33 grams sugar
    calories: n a
    calories: 3 grams protein
    calories: n a
    calories: 77 21 milligrams sodium
    calories: https schema org
    calories: nutritioninformation
