Raspberry Iced Tea

  • Find More Recipes : BEST RECIPES DIRECTORY

  • Heres a astounding celebration drink that goes fizz! Punch! And tea!

    The ingredient of Raspberry Iced Tea

    • 3 raspberry and peach flavoured teabags
    • 3 cups boiling water
    • 2 cups lemonade chilled
    • 1 cup apple juice chilled
    • 1 2 cup frozen raspberries
    • 1 2 cup frozen blueberries
    • ice cubes to encourage

    The Instruction of raspberry iced tea

    • place teabags in a large heatproof jug mount up boiling water set aside for 5 minutes to infuse remove teabags refrigerate for 30 minutes
    • build up lemonade apple juice raspberries and blueberries to jug stir up to combine grow ice serve

    Nutritions of Raspberry Iced Tea

    calories: 64 769 calories
    calories: n a
    calories: n a
    calories: 15 grams carbohydrates
    calories: 15 grams sugar
    calories: n a
    calories: n a
    calories: n a
    calories: 17 12 milligrams sodium
    calories: https schema org
    calories: nutritioninformation
