Madras Beef Skewers

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  • The ingredient of Madras Beef Skewers

    • 800g beef topside steak or beef rump steak trimmed
    • 2 tablespoons madras curry paste
    • 4 pieces naan bread
    • olive oil cooking spray
    • 2 3 cup reduced fat natural yoghurt
    • 1 1 2 tablespoons lemon juice
    • 100g baby spinach leaves

    The Instruction of madras beef skewers

    • soak skewers in a shallow dish of cold water for 30 minutes drain cut beef into 2 5cm cubes place into a bowl with curry paste toss to coat thread beef onto skewers place onto a plate cover refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours if time permits
    • preheat a chargrill or barbecue grill on high heat until hot reduce heat to medium lightly spray both sides of naan bread with oil cook bread for 1 minute each side transfer to a plate cover with foil to keep warm
    • spray skewers with oil cook for 5 minutes turning occasionally or until cooked through
    • combine yoghurt and lemon juice place naan bread onto serving plates top with spinach and skewers serve with yoghurt mixture

    Nutritions of Madras Beef Skewers

    calories: 593 198 calories
    calories: 19 grams fat
    calories: 5 grams saturated fat
    calories: 47 grams carbohydrates
    calories: 16 grams sugar
    calories: n a
    calories: 56 grams protein
    calories: 92 milligrams cholesterol
    calories: 618 78 milligrams sodium
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